World Academies (WAC) = Interactive Educational LinkedIn + Scientific Facebook+ Collaborative Research Gate + LMS +Live Course Bank+Remote Jobs

World Academies (WAC) can be indeed defined as an interactive educational/training/scientific system composed of: Working Groups LinkedIn + Scientific Facebook/Instagram + Collaborative Research Gate (Via Groups) + LMS (Learning Management System) for course and training programs +Live Course Bank towards creating more fruitful moments on social media, education level improvement, Remote Jobs developments, and global collaboration for better life and environment around the world. You can now invite your friends, colleagues, followers and connections to create WAC Account (Waccount) in particular students, teachers, professors, experts, researchers, writers, engineers, lawyers, physicians, advisors, consultants. Your valuable collaborations and contributions via your WAC posts, group learning and discussions, forums and courses would be very much valuable towards this global aim together.