First Course in Fluid Dynamics 2024: Basic Concepts, Modeling and Simulation.
This Supervised-Live Online-Course on Fluid Dynamics is an opportunity for all students, engineers, and experts in different fields who want to start learning fluid dynamics from the first step, towards university level fluid dynamics science, and related advanced research works and practical projects. The course starts from high school Physics & Math and covers following scopes within 15 Lectures x 80 min (8 weeks, October 08 to November 26, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 18:10-19:30 Berlin Time, Registration Extended Deadline: October 07, for Early Registration Discount 20%: September 17 )

Lecture Contents
Lecture 1- Fluid flows and convective transport phenomena in nature & industrial processes
Lecture 2- Mass & energy conservation principal laws vs. transport particular laws
Lecture 3- Mass conservation law and continuity equation in fluid flows
Lecture4- From Newton 2nd law (F=m*a) towards fluid dynamics modeling: Momentum Shell Balance
Lecture 5- Molecular mechanism behind viscous force between fluid layers: Fluid statics and kinematics
Lecture 6- The art of modeling in fluid mechanics and thermal engineering: Physics & boundary conditions in 1D to 3D modeling
Lecture 7- Derivation of Navier-Stokes Equations I: Momentum & Energy
Lecture 8: Full Navier-Stokes equations for modeling natural phenomena & technological process
Lecture 9- Empirical Modeling in fluid mechanics: Pressure loss in pipelines in laminar and turbulent flows, pumps power calculations
Lecture 10- Euler & Bernoulli Equations and Applications: Simplified forms of Navier-Stokes
Lecture 11- Internal and External Flows: Flow over immersed bodies, drag force
Lecture 12- Boundary layer concepts and modeling in fluid flow and heat transfer convection
Lecture 13- Compressible flows: Combined thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics
Lecture 14: Basis of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation
Lecture 15: Turbulent Flows, Concepts & Modeling (RANS, K-W & K-Epsilon, LES).
Selected References for This Course: Fluid Mechanics Books of White, Munson and Cengel (et al.) and Transport Phenomena Book of Byron Bird et al.