CFD Workshop Today

The introductory workshop Today Wednesday, 2 August, 14:00-16:00 (Berlin Time) is free. Zoom Link:
Today the participants can take an overview on SimScale Platform for own potential simulation works (SimScale is the global leader of the online CFD simulations via web-browser, providing access to thousands core-hours computational power for the users, a user-friendly version of the OpenFoam and some other solvers, for easier and faster CFD simulations, experienced by more than 400,000 Users).
We can award some students and experts for their registration fee (details in registration form).
Details and Registration:
Almost all natural phenomena and technological processes, are indeed material and energy exchange in 3D space, i.e. conservation of Mass and Energy, implemented in Navier-Stokes equations. In absence of analytical solutions for most of the practical cases, CFD education and simulations are become more and more important and available for all engineering, fundamental science, and environmental fields.
See You